Consumer & environmentally friendly products.

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The building sector has continued to record remarkable growth especially since the early 1990s. Shelter is the second most basic need of man after food. It is important to the development of society in both economic and welfare terms, and affects all facets of human endeavours.

The task of accommodating the unprecedented increase in the number of people in Africa and improve their living standards possess a major challenge, not only for urban development and housing policies, but for national government in general. With each passing day, the problem assumes a much intractable dimension, considered against the background of spiralling inflation, escalating prices of building materials and the exponential rate of population growth.

Moreover, the nature of the housing problems in most of the African urban centres, are both quantitative and qualitative. In the rural areas the vast majority of dwelling units have qualitative deficiencies.

Various attempts have been instituted by governments to solve these perennial problems. These have culminated in genuine/bold efforts by past and present governments in enunciating sets of integrated objectives to provide long lasting solutions. It is certain, however, that governments alone cannot solve the housing needs of the country. Private investors and developers are required to supplement governments’ efforts.

Sun set over coastal community

Access to the main materials to build, gives man the sense to own a home that will provide him with a sort of social pride and psychological comfort. The Tereco roof tile is a world class quality product roof tile. This roof tile enhances the appearance of built properties and provides protection against all climatic conditions – especially in the harsh African conditions.

Most of the urban cities in Africa are still embarking on huge building development and construction works. Thus, the manufacturing of resin bonded products, is an investment in the right direction that will meet the needs of a ready and ever growing market.

Moreover, the raw materials for manufacture of the Tereco products are post consumer plastic waste blended with sand. Post consumer plastic waste is available in abundance, and can be sourced one hundred percent from local communities at very low prices. Waste management presents problems in mega cities which are linked with economic development, population growth and the inability of municipal councils to manage the resulting rise in industrial and domestic waste. The manufacturing of the Tereco products will not only create employment opportunities, but also to uplift the rest of their local communities and contribute by purchasing the plastic consumer waste.

At this stage of the economic development in most of Africa, the role of the industrial sector cannot be over-emphasized. By venturing into the production of Tereco products, it will contribute in no small measure to the socio-economic and structural development/ beautification of the country. The government, corporate/private developers, local communities, businesses in the region including the main oil companies and individuals will benefit immensely from this project.

The present housing problem and current emphasis by government, encouraging all classes of citizens to own their own house, is common knowledge. This project is no doubt an important means of achieving these laudable objectives, and it will continue to play a crucial role in the economy.

Beside profit consideration, the project will also generate employment opportunities for many young people, thereby contributing meaningfully to the economic growth and development of the country.

From an environmental point of view, the Tereco products are products that are consumer and environmentally friendly. The raw materials are recycled post consumer plastic mixed waste, sourced from local communities and granulated on site. Recycling saves natural resources, creates jobs, earns money for the city, licensees, their staff and ultimately the region, and diverts materials from local landfills.

The effluent from operations is largely organic with no harmful constituent. The noise level from the operating equipment, except if generators are used for electricity, is well below acceptable noise limits. Emission of gases is only from the steam machines and generators, and is well within acceptable limits.

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